
0. The Other Side of Programming

There is a side to computer programming that has nothing to do with computers. One side is about implementation. It is about understanding and leveraging all the intricate details about how computers work. Examples for this include understanding the difference between interpreted and compiled languages, what garbage collection is, what a null pointer exception is, how reading from memory is faster than reading from disk, how database indexes work, and so on and so on.

The community of software developers has become aware of the other side of programming. Books like Clean Code or Domain Driven Design have become classics. They are not about implementation. Python and Ruby have become very popular, because in the trade-off between simple to write (and read) vs. performant to execute, they heavily lean on the side of simple. They don’t focus so much on improving implementation, but rather the other thing.

While writing cybernetic instructions for the computer, software developers also communicate intent to the readers of their code. The importance of the latter is acknowledged in the community, resulting in the often cited creed “We should write code for the human reader.” Although this mantra is widespread, advice how to achieve this goal seems confined to a set of standard recipes — best practices such as “avoid shadowing of identifiers”, “avoid overly complex class hierarchies”, “avoid deep nesting”, “use telling variable names”, “adopt the early return paradigm”, “keep it simple”, and so on. Some of those ideas are even formally defined in some language analyzing tools. When I started working with ruby, I was surprised how well the rubocop linter is able to encode and enforce conventions, which often help creating concepts.

Although those conventions reflect insights into the fact that there is more to computer programming than flipping bit values, we still, I believe, lack a deep understanding of how to reason about this other side of computer programming.1 We know that in order to write good code that is supposed to solve a problem, we first need to understand the problem better. But it is very hard to ever find someone define or explain clearly what that actually means.

There is the famous distinction between accidental complexity and essential complexity, introduced by Frederick Brooks in his famous paper No Silver Bullet. Essence and Accidents of Software Engineering.2 Brooks gives a definition of what he calls the essence of a software entity:

This essence is abstract, in that the conceptual construct is the same under many different representations.

Conceptual Code is code which is as close to the essence of a business problem as possible. In order to turn this idea into practice, I want to explore what that exactly means. At the core, it requires to understand what a representation of a problem is.

1. Conceptual Code

It is important to turn the definition of this other side from a negative (“other”, i.e. “not the implementation” part) into a positive notion. I will do this in a later article. For now, let’s be satisfied with a name: I think, it is a good naming to call this the conceptual side of computer programming. Another good name would be to call it the didactic side of computer programming. While the term didactic highlights that there is something about the code being easier to grasp, I chose conceptual, because I found that conceptual code has more benefits than just that. But this is a story for a different post. I would like to spend the rest of this post dwelling on the point why it is important to care for the conceptual side of code at all.

A lot of conceptual wisdom is accumulated in an implicit manner, and we don’t even think about it anymore. An example: Programming languages tend to prefer infix notation (x*y+z) over prefix notation (+*xyz). The general impression seems to be that it is easier to grasp. Or, another example: Somehow, it has become an established convention that it makes sense to associate the meaning of arrow-like symbols (->, =>) with concepts encompassing some sort of TRANSFER, such as functions and mappings. Isn’t it interesting how a dash and a greater-than-sign came to refer to something like “mapping”, just because they look like an arrow, and an arrow in turn flies from A to B, so it is sharing the notion of MOVEMENT or, by analogy, TRANSFER with a mapping. What deep metaphorical game is going on there!

This implicit knowledge which is enshrined in syntactical sugar is based on sediments of years of practice, of trial and error – a slow and sometimes painful procedure of gaining insights. The objective of writing code that can be processed smoothly by the human brain can be achieved easier when practical experience is joined, backed and refined by theoretical insights. The approach of Conceptual Code is to use findings from cognitive sciences and apply them to writing software code. We need to understand how the human brain works – more specifically: how we perceive, order, categorize, and interpret information, how our minds create concepts. And we need to take this knowledge into account when writing code. Then we will gain a new level of confidence, at which we won’t be confined to following established best practices, but will be able to make informed decisions even in the absence of guiding standard examples.

Outlining the fundamental premises and describing how this conceptual approach to writing software code makes sense, this post is the groundwork for a series of articles which are going to inspect different paradigms and frameworks from the cognitive sciences and linguistics, and discuss code examples from a conceptual point of view.

2. Logic is Crucial, but not Sufficient

The basic insight, the starting point of Conceptual Code is simple:

There is a delta between merely correct code (code that meets the acceptance criteria) and conceptual code (code that both meets the acceptance criteria and is easy to grasp).

There is an infinite number of ways to implement a correct software solution to a problem. Not all of them are conceptually easy. It takes more to write conceptual code than it takes to merely write correct code. We should find out more about the delta.

logical plus delta equal

In order to function properly, code needs to be logically flawless. Hence, translating fuzzy language into unambiguous and consistent instructions for the computer is an important skill for a software developer. Whenever there is an inconsistency or a vagueness in the requirements, software developers have to be able to spot and resolve it. And this skill is a strong discriminator for programmers to start a career: Usually, they are good at understanding a formalist language which does not resemble human language very much.3

But this is only one requirement of the job. Another important requirement is to communicate and collaborate.4 Part of this requirement of working with others is the need to write code which can be reviewed and maintained. For that, it needs to be conceivable first. This does not just ease later refactoring and iterating on the code, but also reduces the risk of bugs slipping through a code review: The more mental resources reviewers have to spend on figuring out what is going on, the less resources they have for thinking about edge cases, for instance.

There is a lot of different ways, actually, an infinite number of ways to encode a certain business requirement.5 This presents the developer with the problem which of those to choose. There is an algorithmic side to that. But even for a distinct algorithmic implementation, there is an infinite number of possible ways to be expressed in code. So, even if we were willing to always prioritize algorithmic questions over questions of conceivability of our code, we would still have a lot of choice, i.e. a lot of room to perform badly.

3. Theory of Mind

When we want to communicate effectively, we need to establish a theory of mind: We need to have an idea of what is happening in the mind of the person we are communicating with. This means heavy extra effort. That is why teaching is so hard. We have to think about the thing itself, and then we also have to think about about the perspective the other person has on the thing, at the same time.6

In software development, this is particularly hard, because first we need to create a mental model of the problem ourselves. And after we spent some time wrapping our head around this, we then have to structure and present it in a way that is easy for others to understand. If one is a teacher, they usually start with a good understanding of what they are teaching. But as a software developer, the understanding of the problem to which we are creating a solution, is usually quite fresh. Teaching is usually about some well established knowledge. In programming we often have to explore the problem and create an understandable representation of it at the same time.

It is a good first step to resort to a set of general guidelines which help us spot the most common problems. Some of those guidelines are already established under the name of self-documenting code. Another way is to establish a habit of reviewing and iterating on our own code even before we put it to review.

Another good idea is to write documentation for our code: When writing documentation, we shift much more into the state of mind of a reader of our code. I have noticed quite often that I would change the interface of a function or class when documenting it. Writing documentation made me change my perspective on the code, putting myself into the user’s shoes. Also, writing documentation is unforgiving in demonstrating if our solution is complicated. If there is no simple way to explain our code, we have not yet found a good representation of the problem.

Yet another strategy is to practice reading, understanding and refactoring code written by strangers, in business domains we are not familiar with, because it will make us aware of obstacles in other people’s code, and we might develop a sense for smells and anti-patterns.

A fifth strategy (and this is the approach of Conceptual Code) is to examine principles of perception and communication. The better we understand how people think, and how they perceive code, the better we can write code that is going to be easy to grasp – and that means: easy to review, easy to debug, easy to maintain and easy to adapt to changing business requirements. As software developers, we should get in touch with disciplines dealing with psychology, cognitive sciences, linguistics, didactics, design, to some extent even advertisement and rhetoric.

All these strategies are not mutually exclusive, but can and should complement each other.

4. Summary

The basis of Conceptual Code is a conviction that a lot of knowledge that we know about natural language can be applied to computer code: There is cognitive sciences which inform us how humans create concepts by using metaphors and analogies. There is pragmatics (or pragma-linguistics) which has a lot to tell about how humans take the communicative context into account when processing messages. In our attempt to write elegant code, we can even benefit from the knowledge of socio-linguistic studies which deal with the influence of group dynamics and conventions on language.

The topic of the upcoming series of articles is to introduce some of those concepts, and to demonstrate how they can help writing better code.

  1. I believe, the reason for this is that the community is heavily influenced by people who studied computer science. It is understandable that they are very good at thinking about implementation. When thinking about the other side happens, it happens as an accident. And the computer people are basically laymen in that field. 

  2. Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.: No Silver Bullet. Essence and Accidents of Software Engineering, Proceedings of the IFIP Tenth World Computing Conference: 1069–1076. September 1986 

  3. There are websites for playing regex-golf (the challenge to provide the shortest regular expression which matches a given set of strings, but does not match a different set of given strings), and even a whole stackexchange network on codegolf (“a competition to solve a particular problem in the fewest bytes of source code.”) If people do this, as the site claims, for “recreational purposes”, it does not seem too risky a bet that they are people who have a thing for formalism. 

  4. A quite interesting talk about this is Christin Gorman’s keynote speech at NDC Conference 2022 which also sheds a light on the gender aspects of this. 

  5. If you insist on a proof: Any boolean statement can be expressed in an infinite amount of ways by wrapping it into a double negation. As every algorithm will contain boolean statements, this is just one way of constructing an infinite amount of logically equivalent algorithms. This proof is very boring: We have no problem picking the most readable algorithm out of this infinite set of equivalent algorithms – usually, we will just go with the booleans which are not wrapped in double negations at all. So, this is really just a proof of existence, which does not tell us much about the interesting problems when it comes to choosing between logically equivalent algorithms. 

  6. This does not only account to teaching, but also to lying. It is very hard to stick to a made up story, and to orchestrate the beliefs of the people we lied to. For cognitive scientists, the heavy mental burden that comes with this is part of the explanation of the fact that we usually start to believe our own lies – it is just too expensive to maintain two different realities all the time.Â