
How big is too big? How small is too small?

The question comes up on any level of software development: How many changes should be in one commit? How many lines should a function have? How many methods should a class have? How many classes should be in a module? How many features should a library cover? How strongly should the database be normalized (how many columns should the table have)? At what size should a microservice be broken into two? How big is our team supposed to be, and what should be the scope of our team? And finally: What is the optimum size of the business?

Handwaving or Bureaucracy?

There is the principle from UNIX philosophy: “A program should do one thing, and do it well.” Another quite similar formulation, from Object Oriented Programming, is the “Single Responsibility” principle, the S in SOLID. But, what is a “thing”? What does it mean to be responsible for only one thing? Another idea is that methods and classes should form a unit, as indicated by the name of unit testing. But what is a “unit”? How do I know my code does not form a unit?

Another famous example stems from the microservices architecture, from James Lewis: “A microservice should fit into my head.”1 – a very vague answer as well.

Those are all formulations that come with a lot of handwaving when one tries to explain them. It seems that they share a notion of oneness, but it is hard to pin down what that exactly is supposed to mean. Oneness, or unity, is a question that has put bread on the tables of countless philosopher’s families for ages across different cultures. What does it mean in the context of software? It seems hard to communicate this explicitly and clearly.

Yet, even if there is no clear answer there, those principles share a certain sentiment: it looks like people who described these had suffered from working with pieces of software pieces which have been too big or have been trying to do too much at once.

Another approach to the question is to not answer it, but to reject it and shoot the person asking, on bureaucratic rule at a time.2 In many organizations, there is a maximum line width of 80 or 100 characters, or on the line count of a method.3

This approach has probably helped to mitigate the problem of software developers not thinking about size at all and just cramming everything into one method or “GOD object”. They also have some other big advantages: There is no room for interpreting the rule in different ways, and the rule can be enforced by static code checkers.

In a bigger group of software developers, such as a company with multiple teams, those rules might make sense. They provide a minimal set of conventions that prevent from entities getting crazily big and impossible to handle and they can be clearly communicated and easily upheld and enforced.

But the formalities won’t help when we get into terrain that has not been formalized yet (for instance: how big is a microservice supposed to be?), and, also, they won’t help us understand anything. They are a pragmatic workaround around the problem that we have not yet understood what makes an entity, that we don’t know yet what oneness is in software. Skilled and experienced individuals might have an answer on a case-to-case basis, but they have not yet found a way to communicate their knowledge so that it can be applied by everybody and transferred to other contexts.

And even if we have a bureaucratic rule preventing us from the madness of writing too big classes or functions, madness is also lurking on the other side of the spectrum: Things can be too tiny, and in order to get anything done, we need to call a bunch of functions with a lot of meaningless redirection, and it might get hard to understand the overly complex network that results from units that are too small.4

The raison d’ĂȘtre of handwaving explanations is the shortcomings of the formal rules and vice versa. Vague hints point to the obvious fact that a formalist answer will never be able to address context-specific considerations. Bureaucratic rules point to the obvious fact that vague rules are subjective, a matter of interpretation, and sometimes utter nonsense.

Maximize Reusability?

One rule of thumb is to write pieces of code in a way that their reusability is maximized. Reusability is the probability of a piece of code to be used in a different place of our application. In isolation, this rule makes no sense. The only way it appears to make sense is because we automatically refrain from applying it when it becomes ridiculous, and we tacitly apply other principles in this case.

The following piece of CSS code takes this principle to its extreme, and is meant to be a reductio ad absurdum for the principle of maximizing reusability:

.fontWeightBold {
  font-weight: bold;

.fontWeightNormal {
  font-weight: normal;

These are just two classes, but we can easily imagine how this pattern could be applied to any CSS style definition. Applying this pattern, we will successfully define every CSS class in a fashion that maximizes its reusability. And our CSS classes would be as small as possible. (Our code would even pass a rule stating that CSS classes ought not be bigger than 3 lines long – how cool!)

If we were to apply this principle, we would fundamentally change the use of CSS classes. What would have been described adequately as classes would then be turned into something better called attributes. (Imagine classes such as paddingLeft20px). As a consequence, the separation of content and style would be gone. There would be no difference from writing the style definitions inline. By atomizing the classes, we destroy their meaning.

Atomizing functional units destroys their meaning. Meaning materializes as correlations sticking out of the white noise of randomness.

Meaning emerges from arbitrary choices (i.e. choices that could be different) which materialize as correlations sticking out of the white noise of randomness. This is in no way special about computer code, but rather a general fact about meaning or significance.5 By destroying these correlations in atomizing the pieces of code, we obstruct the communication of meaning. Instead of maximizing the reusability of each class, we should try to find out which attributes correlate in a significant way. This significant association is a meaningful thing. It is a unit. It deserves to be represented in a class of its own.6


Another leading idea for structuring code is that pieces of code should not be written twice, formulated as the backronym DRY (as in “Don’t Repeat Yourself”).

The problem with DRY is the opposite: Pieces of code which look similar do not necessarily share the same meaning. Meaning manifests itself in correlations, but the reverse relation does not necessarily apply.

The problem arises when the code has to be changed. Wheny DRYing up our code to the extreme, we usually end up with a “GOD” object or function – a very abstract piece of code which contains all the logic. Because an electric shaver and an electric lawnmower have something in common, it is not necessarily wise to have a tool which can act both as a shaver and as a lawnmower, with a switch to change functionality.

By DRYing our code without paying attention to the underlying meaning, we will create artifacts which have no correspondence in the problem. Just because there is a correlation at the current state of our code, this does not mean that this correlation will remain when our code evolves.

Here is an example where applying DRY would turn out to be a mistake:7

// In place A
const price = basePprice + price * 0.1 // account for VAT

// In place B
const price = basePrice * 1.1 // account for VAT

// In place C
const price = basePrice * 1.1 // add 10% markup for premium service

A fully DRY refactoring would be to define the following function and use it in all three places:

function calculatePrice(price) {
  return 1.1 * price

But that would likely just add more work further down the road and even introduce a source of bugs. The fact that the markup for the premium service is the same as the VAT is but a coincidence. A better refactoring would be:

const vatPercentage = 1.1
const serviceFeeMarkup = 1.1

function accountForVat(price) {
  return vatPercentage * price
function accountForServiceFee(price) {
  return serviceFeeMarkup * price

The methods accountForVat and accountForServiceFee happen to be logically equivalent, but this is a mere coincidence. Applying DRY “blindly”, or “dogmatically” (i.e. by looking only at the syntactical similarities of the pieces of code) would actually create problems here instead of solving some.


One might say that the previous two sections are simply a misunderstanding of applying DRY or reusability as software principles – no single principle will ever be able to provide a perfect guidance on its own; any rule is only working well if applied within certain limitations, and in order to understand the full picture, it will always require a pluralist concert of principles which need to be applied together and traded off against each other wisely, taking into account the specific requirements of the application.

And that is true. But then, the explanatory value of a principle is limited, if it is not made explicit what its limiting factors are. A rule that works for a while, under certain circumstances, is good. A rule which is explicit about its limits of application is better. A rule which can be applied beyond those limits is even better.

If DRYing up our code or maximizing reusability is not always the best approach to structuring our code, how can we identify the cases where these principle fail and what should we do then?

One answer to this has been another backronym: AHA8 (as in “Avoid Hasty Abstractions”). The bottom line of this is “prefer duplication over the wrong abstraction”. And this guideline is right. It also does not mean much, because saying “Prefer X over wrong Y” is usually turning out to be a good advice, regardless of X and Y (it is an analytic truth). What is a “wrong” abstraction, and how can we spot it? Let’s listen to the inventor of AHA, Kent Dodd:9

I think the big takeaway about “AHA Programming” is that you shouldn’t be dogmatic about when you start writing abstractions but instead write the abstraction when it feels right and don’t be afraid to duplicate code until you get there.

This answer (“when it feels right”) is not satisfying. If there is some wisdom in there, it is not made explicit. As it stands, AHA is just the observation that DRY can go wrong. It is a negative statement, a destructive one, if you will (it “destroys” the idea that DRY is perfect), but it does not have much to offer on the positive, constructive side.

Likelihood to Change Together

When we approach the question from a testing perspective, we will find that a unit can be identified as “something that changes together”. That is also how the term “single responsibility” of a class has been defined: “a class should have only one reason to change”. This principle would emerge when looking at writing tests from an economic angle: When we organize our units under test in that way we will reduce the work needed to rewrite tests in the course of the evolution of our program requirements.

When following this approach, we will have to estimate how likely a certain thing is to change. It is a little like getting married: You should ask yourself what are the circumstances that would make you part from your partner (pun intended), and if you feel that those scenarios are likely to occur, it might be a good idea to not get coupled (yet).

Let’s have a look at the following variable definitions:

const address = 'https://some-api.com'
const version = '1'
const baseUrl = address + '/v' + version

The code differentiates address and version of the API. Is this reasonable, or is it nitpicking? Is the version likely going to change independently from the address of the API? We don’t really know. The version might actually never change at all. But still, conceptually, the version is a different “thing” than the address of the API. They are logically independent. That means they can change independently from each other without our whole understanding of the API falling apart: Imagine an API where the address would change each time they release a new version. While this might have happened somewhere in the wild (probably, because developers didn’t add a version part to the URL when they released version 1), it looks like an aberration. If we were to release an API in that manner, we would give up the conceptual difference between version and address, indeed. And then it would make sense for the client not to treat them as different entities, but to conceptualize them as one.

The notion of oneness is relative to our conceptualisation.

Notice how the term logically independent relates to our conceptualisation of the problem. The oneness of something is not actually a matter of the things, but differs based on how we conceive it. That is why we might want to say conceptually independent instead of logically independent in order to stress this. We can successfully apply this concept to the example from the DRY section above: We do not want the calculation of the premium fee to change whenever the vat percentage changes and vice versa. The two are conceptually independent.

In the setup of how API addresses are usually structured, the conceptual difference between version and address is even indicated in the structure of the URL, as they are visually separated from each other by a backslash / – a character that even looks like a symbol that is meant to indicate a boundary. The whole URL is modular, with the address, the version and the path elements all referring to meaningful units.

The Answer is Conceptual

So, does it make sense to write three lines of code here instead of simply one? This is clearly a low-impact example, so it would be a little academic to seriously discuss this in depth (and just to put the minds of my colleagues who might read this at ease: I would never make this a comment in a PR review). But it shows that it is often much easier to identify something as a “unit” than it would be to predict the actually likelihood of change.

The way the variable definitions above structure the information contains another conceptual signal to the reader: Notice how the https protocol is baked into the address variable. The signal here is that the author of the code never intends to call the API over http. Although from a technical point of view, the address and the protocol are surely very different things, the person who wrote those lines above decided that this difference is unproductive in the current context. In the context of the API client, this differentiation would be noisy, as it does not refer to a difference in usage.

The idea “things that change together form a unit” is a strong reminder of the principle of common fate in the Gestalt theory of perception:

The common fate principle states that elements tend to be perceived as grouped together if they move together.10


Illustration of the principle of common fate: Dots moving together are perceived as group, if all other characteristics (shape, color, size, distance to neighbours) do not differ between groups.

Initially, the principle of common fate has been described for the visual domain, but it has been demonstrated for other senses as well.11

Is “determining the conceptual units” and “predicting which things are going to change together” two different principles, or is the first just a different formulation which boils down to an equivalence to the second?

It makes totally sense to see them as different façons de parler, as interchangeable formulations. This is how: The term “likelihood to change” is actually not well-defined (in a mathematical sense). Any probability is defined only in the context of a structured probability space.12 And this underlying structure is nothing but our conceptualisation of the problem. So, the term “likelihood to change together” is actually relative to our conceptualisation. That means, there will be many ways to define this likelihood. If we define our units along conceptual boundaries, we will end up with what is de facto an estimate of the likelihood to change together.

The definition “things form a unit if they are likely to change together” is great: It outsources the context-dependent parts of what a unit is to the definition of likelihood, i.e. to the underlying conceptualisation. But with that premise, it is a crystal clear definition of oneness. The formula could even be reformulated to “things form a unit in so far as they are changing together”. Instead of “change” we can also use “respond to external stimulus” here.13

When try to understand the conceptual boundaries of our units, we are going to ask questions like: What are the core concepts in the problem we try to solve? What are scenarios for things to change? Here the term “likelihood” might not seem to be the appropriate notion anymore. We do not really assess the likelihood of things to change together in a numerical sense. That is why I find the formulation to look for conceptual boundaries of the entities more illustrative, although it is just another façon de parler to express the same idea.

Example: HTTP Exception Handling

OK, let’s see an example. Let’s imagine we have an HTTP service. We have some routing and a controller level, and “underneath” the controller level, we have all the business logic.

Let’s say we have a process which creates a User with an email. The database layer will raise a DuplicateUserEmail exception, if the email is not unique in our system. Let’s imagine, we have a controller for the POST /users endpoint, for creating a new user. If DuplicateUserEmail is being raised downstream, this should lead to a 400 - Bad Request HTTP response. We might want to catch and handle the exception in the controller. An example how this could look in Ruby on Rails:

module OurApp
  class UserController < ActionController

  rescue from OurApp::DuplicateUserEmail do
    render nothing: true, status: :bad_request

  def create


  def user_params
    # sanitize the parameters here

So far, so good. Now, let’s imagine, in the course of our service growing bigger, we write other controllers, where the same logic is happening: Somehow, a DuplicateUserEmail gets raised, and the controller should response with a 400 - Bad Request.

Is it time to extract the error handling? A lot of web frameworks nudge us to do this. In Laravel, for instance, we can define a custom ExceptionHandler, or we can define the rendering of the exception on the exception class itself.14 In FastAPI, we can subclass our exception class to an HTTPException base class, to define how the exception is being rendered.15 In Rails, we can write a custom ActionController subclass (usually called ApplicationController), define the global error handling there, and have all our controllers inherit from it.16

So, when should we extract the logic of catching DuplicateUserEmail and rendering the 400 response? Should we do it at all?

DRY would tell us to do it: We have multiple instances of the same logic, so let’s not repeat ourselves. AHA would say: let’s wait a little. And as soon as it feels right, let’s extract it. (It might start feeling right after two or three occurrences of repetition.)

But from a conceptual point of view, we should not do it. The error DuplicateUserEmail exists on the business logic (it actually represents a constraint on the data level). From a conceptual point of view, the fact that we want to map this kind of error to a 400 response is but a coincidence. A duplicate email could be caused by other reasons than by input from the client being flawed. The database layer, where the exception is generated, cannot know the root cause of the problem. That’s why tying this exception to a particular root cause would be an artificial association – conceptual noise.

What appears to be a duplication from a mere syntactical point of view is a decision to interpret the signal from the business logic on a case to case basis from a conceptual point of view. That way we ensure that business logic and controller logic remain conceptually independent (uncoupled): They are allowed to change independently from each other.


When we structure our code, we make a bet on the latent grammar of the problem domain. The best estimation about how this latency is going to materialize in the future is to identify the concepts underlying our problem.

Conceptual boundaries can be identified by thought experiments: What are the scenarios in which two things develop in different directions? Would they change the understanding of the whole problem?

Blindly DRYing our code errs on the side of overfitting the grammar of the problem. Maximizing reusability to the extreme is a one-size-fits-all approach and errs on the side of underfitting.

DRY, as a refactoring principle, only had a chance to be successful, because it does indeed correlate with conceptual coding. That is because parts of code that belong to the same concept will inevitably share code. When tackling repetition we will probably sort some parts of code together which also belong together conceptually, just by chance. But there will be cases, where we put two things into the same bucket, although they belong to different concepts.

From that perspective, DRY is a semantics-free, context-free approximation to conceptual coding. It fails exactly in those cases where context and meaning do matter.

  1. Sam Newman has a video where he is discussing the question of size of microservices. In there, he is basically rejecting the question: “A much more telling question is: ‘How many services can you manage?” The answers he eventually provides could hardly be more vague: “Whatever makes sense for you”, “It is for every organisation to decide ‘Where is our happy place on that dial?’”, “What’s important is what works for you”, “Find the balance [
] that make sense”, “Worry less about size, maybe worry a bit more about what you are doing with them.” 

  2. This formulation is an exaggeration. 

  3. In a job interview, I was asked how long my methods usually are, and I think my answer (“it depends”) left a bad impression, because the interviewer wanted to hear a number. 

  4. In the code base an employer of mine, there was a so-called “Interactor” (a certain kind of class in Rails which basically represents a function with a cache) performing a simple string concatenation from two components. The requirements of “Do one thing” and “Single Responsibility” were fulfilled there 😉. 

  5. David Kriesel, a data engineer, mined the metadata of the online publication of a German journal, Spiegel Online for over two years. By looking at correlations, he found significance in the data: The metadata of the articles (including day of publication and authors of the article) clearly give away the days a journalist is on leave. Kriesel then identified pairs of journalists who would consistently be on leave at the same time. From that, he was able to deduct which of the journalists at Spiegel Online were in a romantic relationship with each other. The full talk of David Kriesel including other interesting insights is here: SpiegelMining – Reverse Engineering von Spiegel-Online (in German). 

  6. The idea to maximize reusability of CSS classes is the heart of tailwind css. It is very interesting to read the reasoning of Adam Wathan, its author. He offers a diametrically different approach to writing CSS. I think, his findings could be harmonized with my point of view by stating that there is usually not very much semantics in CSS, i.e. not many stable, significant associations, and desperately trying to find some does not work well. I have no experience in writing CSS for bigger projects, so maybe the idea of conceptual code does fit better for large and complex backend systems. I just used CSS as an example for the fact that atomizing units destroys there meaning – a point of view Adam Wathan would agree with, I believe. 

  7. This is taken from a post on stackoverflow: Is violation of DRY principle always bad? 

  8. Kent C. Dodds: Aha Programming on kentcdodds.com 

  9. In the blog post mentioned just above. 

  10. Dejan Todorovic: Gestalt Principles in scholarpedia.org 

  11. See, for instance: Diana Deutsch: Musical Illusions and Phantom Words: How Music and Speech Unlock Mysteries of the Brain, Oxford University Press 2019, Chapter 3: The Perceptual Organization of Streams of Sound, or Han Li , Kean Chen , and Bernhard U. Seeber: Gestalt Principles Emerge When Learning Universal Sound Source Separation, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, Volume 30, 2022, p. 1877-1891. 

  12. Mathematically, the definition of a probability is bound to the definition of the underlying probability space (see: Kolmogorov Axioms). The definition of the probability space implies a way to structure the possible outcomes of a probability experiment. That means, any talk about probabilities is preceded by a certain interpretation, by a certain conceptualisation of the reality which is meant to be described by the probability experiment. The most illustrative example of this is the Monty Hall problem, where the conceptualisation of what is happening is key. Small reformulations of the experiment (and the implied assumptions) lead to different outcomes of the winning probability. 

  13. Try to apply this idea to anything in the real world, and it is fascinating how broad this is. Look at, for instance: 1. A billiard ball comprised of molecules, 2. A marriage comprised of two people, 3. An orchestra or a band comprised of its musicians, 4. A nation at war. 

  14. Laravel Exception Handling 

  15. FastAPI Exception Handling 

  16. This approach followed by Laravel, Rails, FastApi and others is called the “bubbling up” approach, and I have discussed it in more detail in a post on exception handling in PythonÂ